Strawberry Landscapes

June 11, 2011 at 9:32 am Leave a comment

Mmmm, Strawberry Tart

Your Lips Will Love This

Yesterday we ate the first two strawberries of the season from our front yard. They were amazingly sweet, fragrant and delicious, much more flavorful than grocery-store strawberries, making me wish we had more. Which is why I’m going to take really good care of what’s left after this winter-of-no-water and hope that we can encourage more healthy plants to take over.

I started growing strawberries under my plum trees to create a living mulch that would eventually take over the area. I have to remember to keep up with the watering. I’m a withholder at heart, feeling that in our dry climate, things need to figure out how to live without extra water. However, when it comes to fruit, you must give it decent water when it’s blooming and fruiting to encourage better and more fruit. Berries are so expensive that it’s worth it to spend a little more on water and have super-fresh, super-flavorful fruit, packed with all the goodness of food plucked right from the source.

Strawberries are also pretty easy to grow. They don’t take a lot of extra work once planted and want to move all over the place, so find a spot where they can take over, if they like it. Make sure the soil is well-amended and mulched to help new plants maintain moisture. Then, sit back and enjoy as the berries come rolling in!

Entry filed under: Eating, Gardening.

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